Frequently asked questions

How is Wingman different from other dating apps?

Traditional dating apps are used by single people only. Wingman is used by singles plus their closest friends and family members, who are helping them find a great match, it’s a team approach to dating.

Do I need to be single to use Wingman?

No, you can play wingman for a single friend whatever your situation. Many of our users are happily married or in relationships, yet they enjoy playing matchmaker for their single friend.

Can I look for matches for myself?

Yes, you will have to complete a few questions to create a single profile, and then ensure you are in ‘looking for me’ mode at the top bar. Then invite at least one friend or family member to give a recommendation for you.

Can I look for myself AND be a wingman at the same time?

Sure you can! You can switch between single/wingman modes using the dropdown menu bar at the top of the screen. You can add more single friends and invite more wingmen/wingwomen via ‘teams’ tab.

I’m single, but I don’t have a wingman. Can I join?

Yes you can join, but until you invite at least one wingman or wingwoman to write your profile, you will get a 50% user experience. You cannot approach or talk to anyone on the app until someone verifies you.

How do I sign up and help find dates for my single friend?

Tap Sign in and verify your own number. Next select the Wingman option and follow the steps to invite your single friend and finish signing up.

I swiped too fast and passed on a profile by accident—can I go back?

Yes. Just shake your phone to go back to the previous profile.

How do I ask a question before deciding whether to introduce myself/my friend?

Simply tap into a profile, find the blue chat bubble “Ask a question”, you can tap on it and send them a question. You will be able to see responses and questions you’ve asked under your Chat list.

I’ve sent a question to a potential match and am ready to introduce myself/my friend. What happens next?

Once you’re happy to move forward with an introduction, you can tap the Introduce button in the chat. The potential match will receive the profile and can accept the match or decline. If they accept, you will get a notification and be put into a chat. If they decline, you won’t get any notifications, save the rejection!

How do I edit the testimonial I wrote for my single friend?

If you have sent an invite to a single friend and they are yet to accept, you will only be able to edit it after they have accepted your invite.

If your single friend has accepted your invite, you can go to team tab > my single friends > tap on your friend’s picture > tap on the edit icon.

Go to Menu > Wingman Team > tap on your friend’s name > tap on Wingman Says > tap on the pencil edit icon.

I'm single and see someone I like for myself... How can I make a move?

If you’re in “looking for me” mode, swipe right on their profile (or tap the tick icon), and you can then introduce yourself or ask your wingman to introduce you.

How do I select/make a match for my single friend?

Ensure you are in Wingman mode for your friend; when you see a profile you like…. swipe right or tap the heart icon. That person will receive your friends profile from you with a note ‘Do you like my friend?’ Then it’s up to them to accept it.

Introductions…. Matches…. how does it work?

As a wingman, when you swipe right on a profile, that person will have the option to say yes or no to the approach. If they say Yes, you will all be notified and joined in a chat. If they say No, then no notifications are sent.

As a Single, when you swipe right, you can choose to introduce yourself or ask your wingman to introduce you instead. When you introduce yourself, you are sending your profile to the potential match. Once the potential match accepts, there will be a match and you will be notified.

If you have a wingman, they will be making introductions on your behalf too. If an introduction is successful, you will be notified that your wingman has made you a match and you will all be put into a chat.

Can I ask a question before matching?

Yes, if you want to know more about the person you can ask either the single or their wingman a question. On each profile, you can see various badges that will open up a chat with the person. Things like ‘do you want children’ or ‘do you smoke’ seem to be some of the likely questions.

What happens when I swipe right on a profile?

When you swipe right as a Single, it gives you the option to say hello yourself or ‘nudge your wingman’ to introduce you instead.

When you swipe right as a wingman, you are sending your single friend’s profile to that person. Think of it as an “introduction”.

What happens if the single I approach doesn't like my single friend?

They will decline the invitation, but your friend won’t know anything. We only notify you and your friend when a successful YES is received.

I’m a wingman and keep seeing singles from all over?

Until your single friend accepts your invite and inputs their location, you will be shown a general feed of users. So give them a reminder to accept ☺

My friend likes girls, but I’m seeing guys (or vice versa). Why?

This is usually caused by one of two issues that are easy to fix. Follow the steps below:
  • Check that your friend has accepted the profile you wrote for them. Gender preferences do not work until your single friend has accepted.
  • Ask your friend to check that their settings are correct. They will need to go to My Profile > Edit > Interested In > change to Men/Women/Both.
  • If you’re still not seeing the correct gender, please contact us at
  • How do I remove a friend from my team?

    Go to Menu > Wingman Team > swipe left on your friend’s name > select REMOVE.

    Why am I seeing people outside of my settings?

    Wingman is a growing community, so if you’re seeing people outside of your age/distance range, it might be because we’ve run out of users in your area to show you. Try increasing your distance or age preferences in Settings.

    Is my information private on Wingman App?

    Yes, we are committed to protecting our users’ privacy and only use information when essential. For more on this, see our privacy policy.

    How do you use my personal information?

    We use your personal information to set up your account, connect you with your friends, and verify that you’re a real person.

    I’m having problems with the app, and I can’t find the answer to my question. What should I do?

    2 options. Either message ‘wingman’ within the chat feature of the app or send an email to

    Another user is being offensive/abusive. What can I do?

    We’d like to think our community is always polite but if you are offended in any way then please use the “report” flag that appears under their profile and detail the issue. We’ll be in touch to rectify the situation. Alternatively, you can seek support by emailing us directly at